Opioid Abatement PSA Campaign
History & Background
In 2018 Trellis, partnered with the New York State Coroners Association and the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) to produce its first opioid awareness PSA.
Since then, our team has crafted a robust library of PSAs and has worked with counties to craft multi-media opioid abatement campaigns - including streaming video, broadcast television, outdoor billboards, social media, and more.
We customize each campaign to meet specific county needs.
Key tactics were:
● Compelling and targeted “pay attention” Public Service Announcements
● Driving traffic to a digital landing page with comprehensive resources for immediate assistance
● Showcasing the diverse, integrated county services and resources ready to combat the opioid crisis more effectively

Ongoing Awareness & Education Program
that Qualifies for Your Settlement Funds
Our Opioid Abatement PSA Campaign delivers an intimate look at both those within the throes of substance use disorder and the loved ones whose lives are impacted by it. The campaign also serves as a foundation that houses and communicates your existing and future efforts.
Key Features of the Program:
Robust library of PSAs customized for your county:
● Dangers of Recreational Use
● Breaking the Stigma of SUD
● Real Stories of Recovery
● and more to come
Turnkey and easy to adopt program
for your settlement funds use
Includes a custom landing page that ties
all your resources together
Multi-county partnerships encouraged
Sole source product
Additional program elements, including direct mail, rack cards,
conference and trade show materials, and more

Program At-A-Glance
Research shows that broad public education messages delivered through television and digital media, including video streaming platforms, are effective.
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when campaign messages are aired at sufficient levels of reach among the target audience, one can expect changes in campaign-targeted knowledge and attitudes in 6 to 12 months, and changes in behaviors in 12 to 24 months after campaign launch.”*
Program Elements
Creation of your customized video, digital ads, landing page, and billboards.
Your customized :30 second PSA served only to your county residents
Beautifully designed display ads; served only to your county residents
PSA messaging delivered to your county residents on Facebook and Instagram that clicks through to your landing page.
Consistent messaging that reverberates your custom PSA theme, thoughtfully located within your county.
Add elements like: broadcast TV, direct mail, rack cards, brochures, fliers, posters, trade show materials, and more.
**Quoted separately.
Recommendation based on your county population.
Trellis Marketing, Inc., established in 2006, is a certified
M/WBE award-winning advertising agency and video production company specializing in advertising campaigns, media placement, digital and online presence, creative content, visuals, and graphic design.
Let’s Connect
We are excited to talk with you about opportunities for Public Service Announcements (PSA) and related collateral to promote your community message. Use the calendar link below to schedule time to meet with us.
Amanda Lucchino, Director of Business Development
(716) 725-1271 (call or text)
Email: [email protected]
Let Trellis bring your
Public Service Announcement message to life!

*Educating Young Adults about Opioid Misuse: Evidence from a Mass Media Intervention https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8750763/